Leash fetch tennis ball collar brush go for a walk fur temperament bark toy harness kibble howl sit and stay leash fetch tennis ball collar brush go for a walk fur temperament bark toy harness kibble howl sit and stay leash fetch tennis ball collar brush go for a walk fur temperament bark toy harness kibble howl sit and stay.
Go for a walk fur temperament bark toy harness kibble howl sit and stay leash fetch tennis ball collar brush go for a walk fur temperament bark toy harness kibble howl.
Leash fetch tennis ball collar brush go for a walk fur temperament bark toy harness kibble howl sit and stay leash fetch tennis ball collar brush go for a walk fur temperament bark toy harness kibble.
Leash fetch tennis ball collar brush go for a walk fur temperament bark toy harness kibble howl sit and stay leash fetch tennis ball collar brush go for a walk fur temperament bark toy harness kibble.
Leash fetch tennis ball collar brush go for a walk fur temperament bark toy harness kibble howl sit and stay leash fetch tennis ball collar brush go for a walk fur temperament bark toy harness kibble.
Leash fetch tennis ball collar brush go for a walk fur temperament bark toy harness kibble howl sit and stay leash fetch tennis ball collar brush go for a walk fur temperament bark toy harness kibble howl sit and stay leash fetch tennis ball collar brush go for a walk fur temperament bark toy harness kibble.
Leash fetch tennis ball collar brush go for a walk fur temperament bark toy harness kibble howl sit and stay leash fetch tennis ball collar brush go for a walk fur temperament bark toy harness kibble howl sit and stay leash fetch tennis ball collar brush go for a walk fur temperament bark toy harness kibble howl sit and stay leash fetch tennis ball collar brush go for a walk fur temperament bark toy harness kibble howl sit and stay leash fetch tennis ball collar brush go for a walk fur temperament bark toy harness kibble howl sit and stay leash fetch tennis ball collar brush go for a walk fur temperament bark toy harness kibble howl sit and stay leash fetch tennis ball collar.
We perform ENS (early neurological stimulation) and ESI (early scent introduction) exercises between the ages of 3-16 days of age. ENS exercises stimulate the neurological system and ESI enhances nose awareness.
We socialize our puppies to new stimuli such as environments, textures, objects, sounds, children, animals, etc. By providing mental and physical challenges daily, we help our puppies develop skills and confidence they will need.
We handle our puppies daily and perform handling exercises to ensure they are well conditioned to being touched everywhere, picked up, held, and loved on. Handling them daily helps them grow a stronger connection with people.
Our puppies are litter potty trained. Our puppies have a separate are of their pen with a shallow litter tray. They naturally learn to distinguish their potty area from their play/sleeping area. As they get older, they also get used to going potty outside.
Our puppies experience lots of grooming exposure! They will have their nails trimmed, bathed, and blow dried with a high velocity dryer several times. We also brush them with a soft brush often so they are accustomed to it.
Our puppies will go home conditioned to crates. They will be accustomed to spending short periods of time in a crate, working up in length as the get older, so they adjust easier to crate training in their new home.
We send our puppies with a puppy manual e-book we curated with helpful information about puppy training.
Our puppies come with lifetime breeder support. If you ever have any question or concerns, we are here to help.
We want our puppy families to succeed with their new puppy, so we send our puppies home with carefully curated items and information to help make the transition easier!
copyright 2025 magnolia dalmatians
template design by fetch studio